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Detection of Salmonella in Food

Detection of Salmonella in Food

Salmonella are gram-negative, non-spore forming, facultative anaerobic, motile microorganisms belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae, resistant to cold. It can develop in 6.5 – 7.5 pH value, 0.945 – 0.999 water activity. It is inactivated in 1 hour at 55 oC, 15-20 minutes at 60 oC.

Salmonella is often found in foods contaminated with coliform bacteria. Salmonellosis causes food infection. The most common microbial food poisoning in the world is "Salmonellosis".

Although foods contain low levels of Salmonella, these foods are considered risky. For this reason, the presence of Salmonella is not allowed in foods and drinking water. Salmonella the most; It is detected in foods such as red meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, milk powder, ice cream and cream. Salmonella is most affected by the conditions of the stages such as raw material processing, storage and transportation.

"Salmonella Count" in food and water is one of the important test parameters of food analysis.


11 Mart 2022