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Determination of Enzyme Activities in Honey

Determination of Enzyme Activities in Honey

Honey can be affected by many factors during the storage, processing and transportation stages until it reaches the consumer. The determination of enzyme activities is an important test parameter in order to have information about whether there is adulteration in honey, which is especially rich in enzyme amount, or whether it is processed at high temperatures.

Enzymes such as oxidase, intervas, diastase, catalase and acid phosphatase, which are known as major enzymes in honey, enable us to have information about the maturation status, freshness, adulteration and processing of honey. With the detection of enzyme activities in honey, high heat application of honey can be detected. A decrease in the number of diastases can be observed with the application of heat treatment above 55°C in honey.

The low diastase number in honey may also be an indication that it is added to honey with additives. Basically, you can have an idea about honey by performing "Detection of Enzyme Activities in Honey" in order to detect the changes in the amount of enzymes in honey.


11 Mart 2022