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Imitation and Adulteration Analysis in Butter

Imitation and Adulteration Analysis in Butter

In order to protect public health and consumer confidence, adulteration in food products should be prevented. Dairy products such as butter, liquid milk and powdered milk are costly products and resort to adulteration to lower the price. Imitation and adulteration processes in butter are carried out by mixing margarine, plant-based oils or starch.

It may not be understood by the consumer, as the feeling or taste left in the mouth does not change after adulteration. Thus, the consumer is deceived. Counterfeiting and adulteration in butter can be detected by chemical analysis.

Dairy products are among the products that have the potential to be highly adulterated due to high production costs and increasing demand for these products by the growing population, especially in emerging markets. You can contact the accredited and authorized Food Laboratory for the detection of counterfeiting and adulteration to deceive consumers.

24 Mayıs 2023